mai 31, 2007
"R.: Out of all of your achievements up to this point, what would you consider the most rewarding?
Mark Shuttleworth: Staying unmarried."

asta e tipul care a fondat thawte security(pe care l-a vindut pe 600 milioane de dolari), a fost al doilea turist auto-finantat in spatiu si a pornit ubuntu(cea mai poplulara distributie linux)...hai ca m-a facut sa rid.

mai 29, 2007
"am vazut fete care, atunci cind s-au angajat in agentie, erau ca niste mere sanatoase din care iti venea sa musti cu pofta; astazi sint niste scovergi iradiate de computer si nu m-ar mira sa aflu ca uterul li s-a uscat si ca nu vor mai fi niciodata in stare sa fie mame. Oricum, ar gasi cu greu un barbat la ora la care pleaca de la birou si daca ar apela la solutia cea mai la indemana, un coleg de birou, tot nu ar plesni-o: e cunoscut faptul ca stresul cauzeaza sterilitate masculina. Probabil ca la ora la care scriu aceste rinduri ele se afla tot la birou (in vreme ce ei isi trag in cap cu sortimente de tarie combinate cu beri) bibilind un mediaplan sau pregatind press release-ul unui client isteric si mitocan care nici macar nu stie sa spuna "multumesc". Pentru simplul motiv ca "doar te platesc, nu?"
Lucian Georgescu

mai 28, 2007
"Code Monkey get up get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code Monkey have boring meeting
With boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very dilligent
But his output stink
His code not “functional” or “elegant”
What do Code Monkey think?
Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god damned login page himself
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you"
jonathan coulton

mai 25, 2007
"everybody should fuck everybody until we're just one color."

mai 22, 2007
"cu cit devin mai pesimist cu atit fac filme mai optimiste."
aki kaurismaki

mai 20, 2007
“the essential difference between emotion and reason is that emotion leads to action while reason leads to conclusions.”
donald calne

“religion is now just another lifestyle option fighting for survival with all the other brands in the chaos of the marketplace.”
rick poyner

"podcasting, like blogging, is very incestuous: bloggers read a lot of blogs and podcasters listen to a lot of podcasts."
jonathan coulton

mai 16, 2007
"if you can’t remember whether you’ve had your third cup of coffee yet, you probably haven’t had your third cup of coffee yet."

alde y: I dont need ppl who escape their problems
alde x: like me!
alde y: I need them to be models of facing problems, not escaping
alde y: I guess
alde x: ahhaa
alde x: glumesc
alde x: si io fug de ele ca de dracu
alde x: si io fug de mine ca de dracu
alde y: yeah but you avoid by pleasurable healthy hedonist stuff
alde y: at least :)
alde x: yeah
alde y: si ea ce face, frantuzoiaza?
alde y: the healthiest avoidant :), that's you bro
alde y: mushrooms, weed...
alde x: yeah that's me

mai 15, 2007
there's a thin line between being aggressive and being brutal that one should not pass.

mai 14, 2007
one should not ask questions that have only one possible answer.

mai 12, 2007
a married guy is a single guy with a wife.

mai 10, 2007
"i'm not growing up I'm just burning out"
green day

mai 07, 2007
"un barbat singur e ca un pantof desperecheat."
serban foarta

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