ieri pe tren un tanar mitic cu alura de contrabandist vorbea la telefon cu sefu' lui pe nume nea' pastrama.
"Grades, as we learn in the real world, are not only not everything, but they’re a pretty sure indicator of ONE THING and one thing only: Can. You. Follow. Instructions?"
Julia Allison
No. I couldn't. And I can't now.
The part that sucks is I'm the kind of employee asking himself every day "should I go back on my own?".
I always told myself that if my first company fails I'll just start another one, and another one, etc. until I make it.
And here I am, one dead company behind(and 4 years of my life), with a job that I actually like and that big question popping in my head all the time.
"Most items of value derive that value from scarcity. Digital changes that, and you can derive value from ubiquity now."
Seth Godin
Bialetti Brikka - best present I ever got(well, this and the inflatable boat).