facuta ieri intr-o excursie cu bicicletele
"Romanians sincerely believe illnesses such as colds, headaches and fevers are caused by three things:
An exposed neck/throat.
Open ears
Moving air or drafts (called
curent in Romanian)"
"Even if a stray dog bites someone, most Romanians will sympathize with the dog."
An american in Romania
"If you are very very quiet you can hear the clouds rub against the sky."
Lies I've told my 3 year old recently
Polemica grea la televizor intre doi giganti ai neamului: Gigi Becali si Adrian Paunescu.
Problema e una spinoasa si de mare insemnatate pentru noi, ca popor:
"Dom'le, oaia, are, sau n-are suflet?"
Parerile sint impartite.
Gigi, baiat pragmatic si fost oier zice ca ba. N-are, dom'le!
Paunescu, baiat delicat si suflet sensibil de poet se pronunta cum ca are, dom'le, cum sa n-aiba.
P.S. Ca tot veni vorba, am si eu o nedumerire mai veche(via Preda).
Pana la urma porcul, dom'le, inoata sau nu inoata?
"Photographs turn an event or a person into something that can be possessed."
Susan Sontag
"My friend Lisa was on a plane once and her seatmate kept looking at her. She finally said, 'Is the noise inside my head bothering you?'"
Seth Godin
"If you don’t take advantage of yourself, someone else will."
Jakob Lodwick