am urit intotdeanu scoala pentru ca scopul ei unic(nedeclarat) e sa ne reduca pe toti la cel mai mic numitor comun si sa produca cetateni disciplinati, care se trezesc in in fiecare dimineata la timp si-si platesc toate impozitele la stat.
update: am uitat sa precizez ca in ciuda zbaterilor mele(inutile)de la 20-25 de ani cam asta am devenit si eu.
"Mi-ar plăcea să vină sfîrşitul lumii - dar numai pentru ăia care îl aşteaptă."
"The great question that has never been answered and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is ‘What does a woman want?’"
Sigmund Freud
'The day you get married you realize, “Shit, I can’t leave now. I mean, I wasn’t thinking of leaving but now I really can’t leave.” And then you have a kid, and the moment the kid arrives you realize “Shit, I could have left! I totally could have left. The door was right there. It wasn’t even fucking locked.”'
Lucky Louie
"vulgaritatea e o chestiune de context si nu de cuvint."
florin cojocariu
babysister says fellini always gets it right:
"la felicità è poter dire la verità senza ferire nessuno."
alde x: I like stuff to make sense.
alde y: I like it not to.
is following your instinct the rational thing to do?