"A nu crede în politică, pentru mine, este foarte periculos, eu venind dintr-o ţară în care a fost dictatură, pentru că dictaturile se ivesc atunci când nu mai credem în politică, atunci când nu mai facem nimic, atunci când credem că orice am face nu are niciun sens, niciun rost şi atunci se strecoară dictatura."
Radu Mihaileanu
"But in the 1940s something really significant happened, which is we bombed the rest of the industrialized world. And so the industrial base of Germany was obliterated. Japan was reduced to rubble. The rest of Continental Europe was bombed. England was bombed. The industrial base of the world was bombed. The one major industrial country that wasn't bombed was the United States. So the United States became the monopoly producer of industrial goods."
Marc Anderseen
"It's like when you're looking for a hotel on Trip Advisor. All the marketing copy in the world about luxury and comfort can't beat a photo of the toilet. You wanna know the toilet is up to spec."
Mike Monteiro