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septembrie 22, 2016
"That speaks to that whole idea of love in absentia, which is an important element of the movie. You still love them, but at a distance. We have to do this as adults, because this is what happens in life. You have a choice: Abandon it and turn your back on the feelings, or find a way to carry on with dignity."
Victor Levin
"The human brain is designed to notice patterns and differences, even where none exist. This tendency can't just be turned off when a person is asked to make objective decisions; it's completely subconscious."
“Reading and speaking in another language is like stepping into an alternate history of yourself where all the bad connotations are gone.”
Helen Dewitt
'About the only time we don't use computers is when we're asleep – that's unless we have a gadget that tracks our sleep, or monitors our house temperature, or our burglar alarm, or whatever.'
John Lanchester
The role of humans as the most important factor of production is bound to diminish in the same way that the role of horses in agricultural production was first diminished and then eliminated by the introduction of tractors.’
Wassily Leontief
"Sintem 22 de milioane de oameni care traim in imaginatia unui nebun."
Alexandru Ivasiuc
"Also, high interest rates show that we try hard to transfer resources from the future to ourselves."
"What is your organization system like?
Controlled disorganization." Jim Toole
”They fuck you up, your mum and dad. / They may not mean to, but they do. / They fill you with the faults they had / And add some extra, just for you.”
Philip Larkin
'Prima dată când mi-a bătut vecinul în țeavă nu știam ce se întâmplă. Dar apoi m-am obișnuit.'
Alme Lema http://www.vice.com/ro/read/ce-e-socant-pentru-straini-in-romania?utm_source=vicefbrouads
'Linguists call this “prosody,” the ability to add correct stress, intonation or sentiment to spoken language.'
"Care este relația ta cu sfera politică? Am fost de dreapta, am fost de stânga. Acum ma bălăngăn."
Dan Perjovschi
if one thinks one child is too much one should not have three children.
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