"I think I got scared because I have kids, and I thought, “This has got to get serious.” They’re up for grabs. In this culture, everything is up for grabs. I thought, “I have to make contact with this bigger consciousness.”
I heard they did experiments where they took a thousand people and they let them go one at a time into a mock living room where everything was furnished. They let each person sit five minutes, then they had to list everything they saw. Each person listed at most seventy-five things. Then they were hypnotized and they could name the date of the newspaper, titles of books on the shelves, what colors the throw pillows were. It suggests there is a consciousness that sees everything, but we select what to remember, so that when we walk down Times Square we don’t go insane, but in fact on some level we are inundated with everything. That’s a version of God working. I don’t think God is out there; it’s in us. I felt this need to make contact with a consciousness that sees it all, that is truly awake."
Li-Young Lee
# posted by
luc @ 11:15 p.m.